10 Benefits of Tongkat Ali – History, Uses, Suitable Dosage, FAQs

10 Benefits of Tongkat Ali – History, Uses, Suitable Dosage, Latest FAQs 2024

1. Testosterone Boosting
2. Improved Libido
3. Increased Energy and Stamina
4. Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
5. Enhanced Cognitive Function
6. Stress Reduction
7. Immune System Support
8. Improved Mood
9. Antioxidant Properties
10. Balanced Hormones ….. read full article to get all details about Tongkat Ali.

What Is Tongkat Ali?

Tongkat Ali is a tropical natural herbal plant. ( Tongkat Ali) is very popular in the healthcare industry because of its potential benefits of curing health issues among Southeast Asian countries. The plant’s leaves and roots, both believed to offer various advantages, can be harvested for use. Packed with diverse bioactive compounds, Tongkat Ali has captured attention for its potential impact on sexual health, immunity, and inflammation, as suggested by research findings. In the present day,

Tongkat Ali has become a global health supplement available in various forms, including tinctures, extracts, capsules, and root powder, catering to a wide audience seeking its potential wellness benefits. The scientific name Tongkat Ali is available under the following different other names: Eurycoma longifolia, longjack, pasak bumi, and tung saw.

Tongkat Ali

Chemical composition Found In Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali has been reported to contain important bioactive substances such as quassinoids, canthine-6-one alkaloids, triterpenes, squalene derivatives, $-carboline alkaloids, and so on, which are usually found in the root.

History Of Tongkat Ali:

Historically Tongkat Ali Is native to Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand are among the Southeast Asian countries. People used it for centuries to prevent various health issues. Like fevers, erectile dysfunction, and bacterial infections. In some cases, even in delivery, It’s also known as “Pasak Bumi” which Means “Stick Of The Earth” emphasizing its connection to natural healing. in Malaysia and Indonesia, has a long history as a traditional remedy in Southeast Asia.

10 Benefits Of Tongkat Ali On Health

    1. Testosterone Boosting:

    Tongkat Ali is Known for its ability to naturally boost testosterone levels in the body.

    2. Improved Libido:

    It has been shown to positively influence libido, addressing issues of sexual desire and performance.

    3. Increased Energy and Stamina:

    Tongkat Ali is popular among athletes since it may help with energy levels and stamina.

    4. Muscle Growth and Fat Loss:

    It is believed to support muscle growth and aid in fat loss, making it a potential supplement for fitness enthusiasts.

    5. Enhanced Cognitive Function:

    Tongkat Ali has been associated with improved cognitive function, including enhanced focus and mental clarity.

    6. Stress Reduction:

    It may have adaptogenic properties, helping the body adapt to stress and potentially reducing anxiety levels.

    7. Immune System Support:

    Some studies suggest that Tongkat Ali could support a healthy immune system.

    8. Improved Mood:

    Users have reported positive effects on mood, with Tongkat Ali potentially acting as a natural mood enhancer.

    9. Antioxidant Properties:

    Tongkat Ali contains antioxidants that can help combat free radicals in the body, supporting overall health.

    10. Balanced Hormones:

    Beyond testosterone, Tongkat Ali may contribute to the overall balance of hormones in the body.

    Remember, while these benefits are widely reported, individual responses may vary, and it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplement into your routine. To Read Additional Benefits Verified Data.

    10 Benefits of Tongkat Ali

    Possible Side Effects Of Tongkat Ali

    It’s Possible that some people can face side effects but it’s a possibility are less but it has shown some side effects in some people like

    • Headache
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Dizziness
    • Increased Heart Rate
    • Hypertension
    • etc…

    All these side effects can be possible if you are taking any kind of treatment for any of these health issues mentioned above. so to avoid any side effects from Tongkat Ali Consult your doctor before starting using.

    Suitable Dosage To Avoid Possible Side Effects of Tongkat Ali

    Subatle dosage for men:-

    For Young man – 20 – 39 year

    Min – 100mg daily
    max- 200mg daily

    for mid age man:-

    Min: 200mg daily
    Max: 600mg daily

    Aging Men: 60 – 79 years

    Min: 200mg daily
    Max: 400mg daily

    Suitable Dosage for women:-

    For Young Women: 20 – 39 years

    Min: 50mg daily
    Max: 200mg daily

    For Mid Aged Women: 40 – 59 years

    Min: 100mg daily
    Max: 200mg daily

    Aging Women: 60 – 79 years

    Min: 100mg daily
    Max: 200mg daily

    Tongkat ali dose for testosterone is typically 100-600 mg per day. A daily dose of 200-400 mg appears to be useful for sexual health and libido, which can be divided into 1-2 doses per day, while it is unknown which of these dosing regimens is more effective.

    Tongkat ali is normally taken orally as a standardized water-soluble extract.

    Who can use Tongkat Ali?

    Tongkat ali looks to be safe for most healthy men and women at doses of 200-400 mg per day. High doses, on the other hand, have the potential to harm gastrointestinal DNA. Tongkat ali is not recognized to be safe for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

    Mercury may also be found in some supplements. Too much mercury intake can lead to mercury poisoning, which is characterized by mood swings, memory impairments, and motor skill issues.


    Tongkat Ali, a tropical herb native to Southeast Asia, has gained global popularity for its potential health benefits. With roots in traditional medicine, it’s now sold worldwide in various forms. Rich in bioactive compounds, it’s linked to improved sexual health, immunity, and energy levels. T

    ongkat Ali’s historical use and contemporary reputation make it a sought-after supplement, but individual responses may vary. While generally safe, potential side effects exist, and consulting healthcare professionals is advisable, especially for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Choosing reputable sources is crucial due to the possible presence of mercury in some supplements. Tongkat Ali’s journey from a traditional remedy to global health supplement underscores its enduring significance.


    How long does it take Tongkat Ali to start working?

    According to our observations, the typical time for Tongkat Ali to start working is 11-14 days. Others, on the other hand, may take longer to see results, and it may be essential to take Tongkat Ali constantly for several weeks or months before noticing any effects.

    What is the ideal Does of Tongkat Ali?

    Normal safe doses of 200–400 mg per day for most healthy adults.

    Does Tongkat Ali help to good sleep?

    Yes, Tongkat Ali can be taken as a sleep supplement because it directly affects your circadian clock and improves your overall sleep quality.

    Can you build muscle mass with Tongkat Ali?

    Yes, studies reveal that tongkat ali can boost testosterone levels, help in the therapy of male infertility, decrease stress, and even increase muscular mass. These elements are particularly important in building muscle mass (testosterone levels, reduced stress, and proper sleep).

    Does Tongkat Ali really boost testosterone?

    Yes, Tongkat ali has been proven in studies to increase testosterone levels in men by up to 37% over a 12-week period. Participants in one trial got 200 mg of tongkat ali extract every day for 8 weeks. The average rise in free testosterone after only 4 weeks was 28%.even more in some instances

    Can Tongkat Ali cause hair loss?

    Maybe, Tongkat ali may increase testosterone levels in both men and women, which can contribute to a variety of symptoms. Men who have high testosterone levels may experience hair loss and prostate enlargement. Bonus – 10 ways to burn fat

    Sources – 

    Shaheed Ur Rehman, Kevin Kyungsik Choe, & Hye Hyun Yoo. (2016). Review on a Traditional Herbal Medicine, Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali): Its Traditional Uses, Chemistry, Evidence-Based Pharmacology and Toxicology. Molecules, 21(3), 331–331. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules21030331
    Bhat, R., & Karim, A. A. (2010). Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack): A review on its ethnobotany and pharmacological importance. Fitoterapia, 81(7), 669–679. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fitote.2010.04.006
    Surachai Kotirum, Ismail, R., & Nathorn Chaiyakunapruk. (2015). Efficacy of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) on erectile function improvement: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 23(5), 693–698. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctim.2015.07.009
    Talbott, S., Talbott, J. A., George, A., & Pugh, M. (2013). Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/1550-2783-10-28
    Henkel, R., Wang, R., Bassett, S., Chen, T., Liu, N., Zhu, Y., & Mohd. (2013). Tongkat Ali as a Potential Herbal Supplement for Physically Active Male and Female Seniors-A Pilot Study. Phytotherapy Research, 28(4), 544–550. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.5017
    Talbott, S. (2013). Human Performance and Sports Applications of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia). https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-396454-0.00053-9
    Solomon, M. C., Erasmus, N., & Henkel, R. (2013). In vivoeffects ofEurycoma longifoliaJack (Tongkat Ali) extract on reproductive functions in the rat. Andrologia, 46(4), 339–348. https://doi.org/10.1111/and.12082


    Disclaimer: The information on this website is provided for educational reasons only and should not be construed as a prescription or any other form of medical advice. Before taking Tongkat Ali or any products containing Tongkat Ali, we recommend that you check your local GP or doctor. Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for additional information.

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